Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

Cara Pasang Jam di Blog

1. Silakan menuju situs http://www.clocklink.com/gallery.php

2. Setelah anda masuk di situsnya pilih “Gallery” jam yang ada, yang ini saya sarankan sesuaikan gallery jam yang di pilih dengan tema blog anda agar lebih seragam, misalkan blog anda membahas mengenai olah raga maka pilih Sports.

3. Pilih model jam yang anda inginkan, misalkan jam berbentuk bola lalu klik “View HTML Tag” yang berada tepat pada gambar jam yang di pilih tersebut.

4. Selanjutnya jika ada keluar halaman persetujuan license, klik saja tombol “Accept”dan akan muncul halaman pengaturan warna, jam serta zise yang di inginkan yang di sertai dengan dua kotak Text box yang berisi scrip kode jam tersebut.

5. Ambil salah satu kode tersebut, dan pastekan dan save langsung di halaman di widget blog anda tergantung di mana anda mau meletakkan jam tersebut.

6. Selamat, anda sudah mempunyai jam sebagai penunjuk waktu di blog anda. 

Sumber : internet 

Lirik Lagu Helloween - Power

Can you imagine someone being true
Turn 'round and put himself in front of you
Sometimes it's fun
But then you never know
How far a thing like this might go

All my life i've
Waited for a chance to
Get right out of here
And when I had it in my hands
I could not let it go

We've got the power
We are divine
We have the guts to follow the sign
Extracting tensions from sources unknown
We are the ones to cover the throne

Thy if you can to come where we have gone
You may achieve what can't be simply done
Look back and there
You are where we have been
And still there's so
Much in between

All those years i've
Travelled around this world now
I am standing here
To make you sing these tunes
And know they'll never
Let you go

We've got the power
We are divine
We have the guts to follow the sign
Extracting tensions from sources unknown
We are the ones to cover the throne